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Propose an entry

How to propose a new entry
You can propose yourself to write an entry on any subject relating to the modern and contemporary history of Portugal. Entries should always focus on late modern and contemporary age but may also extend their reach to preceding periods. Entries should be written in Portuguese or English and can have one or multiple authors. Each proposal should contain:
- A concise title (Examples: “Carolina Beatriz Ângelo”, “Car”, “28 May 1926 coup d’état”, “Emigration”, “Existentialism”, “Frozen food”, “Basketball”);
- A short abstract, with a maximum of 250 words, explaining how the proposed article situates the history of Portugal in a transnational, comparative, or global relationship; or how the article examines its subject in light of the significance of colonial history for Portuguese modern and contemporary history.
- We also welcome for proposals whose subject, although primarily related to the history of other countries, can also be developed in relation to the History of Portugal. This relation should be explained in the abstract. (Examples: “Enlightenment”, “Adam Smith”, “Paris Commune”, “Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio”, “Bandung Conference”, “Seville Expo ‘92”).
- The acceptance or refusal of the proposal is to be decided by the Coordinators and the Scientific Committee and will be communicated to the proponent shortly after it has been submitted (maximum 1 month).
- If the proposal is accepted, the length of the entry will be agreed by the author/s and the Coordinators. Articles may have one of the following dimensions:
o Small: between 4 500 and 7 500 characters (including
o Medium: between 8 000 and 12 000 characters (including
o Large: between 14 000 and 20 000 characters (including

- After the entry is written by the author/s, it will be submitted to peer- review and, if approved, will be published in January, as the Dictionary is to be annually updated with new entries.